I am so lucky!! There were so many things that happened today that make me feel so truly lucky for having the life that I do.
My family has hosted Christmas Eve for as long as I can remember. While the different guests that we have varies year to year, overall we have a pretty set formula. Invite folks over, eat appetizers and chat, serve a very non-traditional meal, eat delicious dessert, go to midnight mass. There are a few people we count on seeing every year, but then we always keep our ears open for people who might need a place to go. Last night was no exception. We had two different sets of families over, one couple which I have known my whole life. The other family are neighbors who moved to the neighborhood about 5 years ago and we've gotten to know them fairly well.
In a mostly chronological order, a list of what made the day wonderful:
My sisters and I slept in, then sat on the couch drinking coffee and reading the paper, then ate a tasty lunch of eggs and toast.
The afternoon was filled with cleaning, but with everyone in such good moods, it didn't matter. There was lots of cooking to happen too, but everyone did a little bit, which made everything easier.
Our guests showed up 30 minutes early, but we all just laughed and everyone helped with parts to the meal.
The food was delicious! Cous-Cous with salmon and then Cous-Cous with chorizo. Plus, roasted cauliflower, green beans and zuchinni, a green salad, and a colorful salad (with pomegranate, clementines, cabbage and tomatoes), yum!
Conversation was wonderful! There was lots of questions about what I'll do and where I'll be after May (I have the same question too!) along with general catch up from all families. We cracked jokes, talked politics and poked fun.
Gifts!! The family I've known my whole life always brings us wonderful books. They both have great taste and always find just the right thing. I got Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Forde and have already started it and love it! The best part? Once I finish my book, I can pick from all of the books the rest of my family got too!
Midnight Mass has been tradition to attend also for as long as I remember. While going to mass at 10:00 at night is a little bit of a struggle, last night was definitely worth it. The music was wonderful (as always) and we got to see people that only come to church at Christmas, so we don't see them that often. The priest brought Muggles into the sermon (that's non-magic people for those of you lacking Harry Potter knowledge) and everyone was in such a happy mood!
The overall message from last night that I took away was all about peace. To be peace, to act peaceful, to be open to peace. While I'm pretty hit and miss about relating to the message of mass, last night definitely stuck with me. And while other people there might not have gotten the same message it's definitely what I got from it. At a time when there are lots of unknowns in my life about the future, it's nice to be reminded of how I want to act from day to day.
On a similar note, every year at mass one of the musicians sings Christmas in the Trenches, an all time favorite song of mine, based on a true story. It's a lovely song about finding similarities and being at peace, even if just for one night. To me, I think it sends an incredibly important message about how we should always think about how our actions are affecting the person on the other side. One of the last lines in particular resonates with me "on each end of the rifle we're the same." The line makes more sense when you hear the whole song, so please, have a listen. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9coPzDx6tA
Tomorrow is Christmas and I can't wait to get a whole other day with my immediate and extended family!!
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