Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday, Jan. 30

Friends, I owe you all a great big apology! I started this blog with high hopes and good intentions of posting everyday and always finding something positive in each day. I have done well with the latter, I still am always finding a positive in each of the days, but I certainly have not been posting. Here's what I figured out during break; what made the day great, each day of break, was knowing that there really was nothing that I had to do. In general, I enjoyed posting to this blog, but I always liked doing what I wanted to do and not doing what I didn't want to do. With that reasoning in mind, I stopped posting and went through the rest of break. Then I came back to KU and started housing training and then classes started and while life hasn't exactly slowed down at all, I really do want to get back to this blog. So here's the new plan: I will absolutely still be keeping track of what makes each day great, but I won't be posting every day. With the semester being busy and job searching starting, I don't want to make a promise that I'll be to busy to keep in a few weeks. So I will post when I can and hopefully that will be enough for you all. For now, I leave you with a list, in no particular order, of why my days were great over the past few weeks. *Finalizing registration for a job conference in March. *Buying tickets and a hotel room for said conference. (The money part was not great, but making progress sure was.) *Receiving my first (hopefully of many) e-mail from a school interested in hiring me for next year. *Returning to KU and catching up with great friends. *Spending ridiculous amounts of time with family. *Starting my final semester of classes and enjoying them. *Running 4 miles with Trina. *Swimming LOTS after returning to KU. (I'm slowly, but surely getting better and faster!) *Having a wall in my bedroom that no longer leaks whenever it rains. *Being home for the installment of a new kitchen floor. *Seeing an old friend from undergrad and recognizing that some friendships really will make it through anything. *Starting my half marathon training! With that, receiving tremendous support from a good friend here at KU who helped me realize that I'm fully capable of running one! *Great conversations with friends about their futures and all the adventures that are soon to start. *Learning new recipes and introducing them to other people. What can I say, there are so many reasons that make today great! :)