Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday, March 4

I should warn you all, this post is once again about running. Although it's also about the rest of my life, so if you don't want to read about my runs, I recommend skipping to the second paragraph. :) I just finished the first month (and four days) of my half-marathon training and I am so proud of myself!!! I've already run farther and more than I would have thought I was capable and I still have so many miles to go! Today marked my longest run ever. It was 6.12 miles and I did it in 1:07:32 and I couldn't be happier!!! My goal was 11 minute miles and I did it!! I also had fun the whole time! I was with my good friend Heather and we were busy talking about life, so that certainly helped, but there was never a time today when I was miserable. Plus, when we finished, I FELT AWESOME!! It has put me in such a good mood for the rest of the day and has me excited for this next 48 days of training until The Garmin Marathon in the Land of Oz comes around! I also am happily working through this second (and last) semester of grad school. This Wednesday I will head off to a job placement conference where I will interview with lots of different schools and hopefully impress some of them enough to get another interview and then hopefully impress at least one of them enough to get a job! :) It has been a really fun adventure so far and I am loving all the opportunities that are popping up. It has also been great to talk with the other members in my cohort and hear all about the opportunities that they have as well. I guess we're all finally growing up! Two weeks from now will find me in the great state of Minnesota for spring break and I couldn't be more excited for it! Seeing my family, sleeping, relaxing, running familiar roads and eating so many homemade delicious meals is pretty much my idea of heaven! I CAN'T WAIT!! These next two weeks are bound to be crazy (hello job interviews, scholarship selections and 25 page paper) but I've got to say, overall I am one lucky girl!